Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Blueprint Of Toy Boat URGENT

We will be as objective as possible because the issue is very serious.

data are these.
In September 2007, [info] jana244 was expelled from the lj of [info] begok for harassing your feedback to the owner of the journal and pretend to give pain killers. That same month, promotes a discussion forum that left four progress Dobra this forum, and its entrance, as [info] soy_dobra and only lj friends, www.livejournal. com
As a result of the conflicts generated bothin lj and in various forums, [info] jana244 is expelled or rejected in several newspapers closed only for friends and banned Four Forum.

In December, after a month disappeared under questionable circumstances, he reappeared under the name of [info] aliciasilvia28 , pretending to be someone else (Madrid 28 years based in León, she says) and requesting access to lj in which it had been rejected as [info] jana244 . Is accepted at several daily newspapers that had been rejected, including CH [info] TMLXC soy_dobra , [info] begok or [info] briantop .
In February 2008, and after investigating several members of the fandom,
[info] mister3004 announced in his LJ that [info] jana244 and [info] aliciasilvia28 are the same person and is expelled from various journals to understand that it has violated the trust put lj owners to open their home.
and [info] pinguigeli also trying to [info] briantop and [info] lynx_pal . [info] not going to explain how we discovered this new trick, but we have strong evidence to confirm this. So, given the circumstances, the undersigned, we send a formal complaint to www.livejournal.com because
has repeatedly violated the rules page, informing you of our intention LJ to leave the publ[info] HTMLXC [info] Adamawa, aizba [info], alucinada2 [info], [info], arima_1987 [info], begok [info], bekie80 [info], briantop [info], bri_sun [info], carolruga [info] , crisharold [info] , edo2008 [info] , esti75 [info] ,

, [info] ,

[info] fatiss , [info] watermark,


livia_bj [info], luheral [info], luna25 [info], m_tesaga [info], marikamp [info], miaka_zuster [info], mister3004 [info], [info], niefis [info], ar people who tried to please ... immorality is so frightening and sickening that would worry if I had the least bond with you. And do not tell me who suffers a very severe depression, she has no idea who you are talking about. That is a serious disease that would leave to plot their evil forces. Resorting to depression is a poor excuse to speak to as persons, and unfortunately for you I am one of them. I told once with all the correction of which I am capable and I repeat now: I do not like the way they act and do not want it close. Forget that once we have spoken and try to find out why these things happen you.


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